Record of Grancrest War Wiki
Light Novel Volume 2
Record of Grancrest War 2
 Japanese 常闇の城主、人狼の女王
 Romaji Tokoyami no Jōshū, Jinrō no Joō
 Cover Theo Cornaro
Siluca Meletes
 Pages 276 (JP)
 Release Date August 20, 2013
 ISBN 978-4-04-071114-0
Volume Chronology
 Previous Light Novel Volume 1
 Next Light Novel Volume 3

This is the second volume of the Record of Grancrest War light novel series.


The knight Theo and magician Siluca subordinate to the Earl of Artuk. They know the great calamity that once occurred in this place. A black witch who plays at the same time, seeking a holy seal. What is that speculation - !?


